New PHP 3.3.14-RC1 Event Changes Announced
Recent updates for PHP version 3.3.14-RC1 introduce several new events to its framework, aimed at enhancing flexibility and customization for developers. Key changes include the addition of ‘core.bump_topic_allowed_after’ and ‘core.bump_topic_allowed_before’ events, which provide hooks for running code before and after topic bump checks in the ‘includes/functions_content.php’ file. Another noteworthy event is ‘core.search_auth_check_override’ in ‘search.php’, allowing developers to bypass traditional search authorization checks.
Moreover, a new event ‘core.viewforum_modify_sql’ is added to ‘viewforum.php’, enabling changes to SQL queries that select forums on the viewforum page. Additionally, in the ACP template events, ‘acp_ext_list_not_installed_name_after’ and ‘acp_ext_list_not_installed_title_after’ have been added, facilitating the addition of content and text in relation to non-installed extensions within the admin control panel. These updates provide enhanced customization capabilities for PHP event-driven applications.
via (https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=16040116#p16040116)