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By chrisJanuary 9, 2023In forum news

Intermediate fix for emoji loading issues

Hi all,

We have noticed that the CDN that provides loading of emojis in phpBB has stopped working.
While a new version that takes care of this is already in the works, you will most likely notice issues with pages taking longer to load and issues with the display of emojis (see e.g. here: viewtopic.php?t=2634321).

Until the next version of phpBB is released, you can resolve this issue by applying the following fix that will be included in the next release:

Open phpbb/textformatter/s9e/factory.php

Find (~ line 359):

Code: Select all


Replace with:

Code: Select all


Find (~ line 362):

Code: Select all


Replace with:

Code: Select all


Afterwards go to the ACP and purge the cache.

Once the next version of phpBB is released, you should be able to simple overwrite this file again. Preparations for the next release are already underway and it will be published as soon as possible.

– The phpBB Team

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