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By chrisAugust 29, 2024In forum news

phpBB Update: Release Highlights and Bugfixes

Release highlights include notable improvements such as the ability to delete users by ID via console (PHPBB-17347), an update to Gravatar Avatar URLs (PHPBB-17355), enhanced PM recipient removal (PHPBB-17317), and better error handling in PHP 8 (PHPBB-17356). Notable bugfixes address issues like user last visit update frequency (PHPBB-17375), rehashing of phpBB2 passwords via cron after an upgrade (PHPBB-17351), and reCAPTCHA problems with registration errors (PHPBB-17366). Statistics: Posted by Marc — Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:45 pm

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svgphpBB 3.3.13 “Bertie & Ted” Maintenance Release Announcement
svgNew PHPBB Events: ACP and Template Updates

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